Orchid Associate

Visa Assistance

There is a misconception amongst some Bangladeshi students that a student visa can be obtained on a contract basis through agents. We would like to make it clear that it is impossible to obtain a visa this way. In fact, students obtain a visa based on the individual strength of their individual visa application. Please be aware that there are some dishonest agents claiming that they can provide visas. We always ensure that the students’ visa applications are prepared in the best possible way. Our visa support officers are there to help the students along the visa journey towards realizing their dreams. The documentation officer scrutinizes the documents and then a β€˜mock’ interview is taken by in English. Only when a student is confident enough to face an interview is then we book an appointment time with the Visa Facilitation Service. In June 2014, the Immigration department at the British High Commission shifted to New Delhi, meaning there is a longer lead-in time as it takes up to 55 days for issuance of student visas for the UK universities.

Orchid Associate

Orchid Associate is an educational institute’s representative who always acts as a strong bridge between the institutes and prospective students. We also provide a platform where the students can select their right university.

Head Office:

+88 01989 500300
Nass Complex,
Sylhet, Bangladesh

Dhaka Office:

+88 01322 929313 House No-5/8, Block- B Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207

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